Teachers, Substitutes, Psychologists, Counselors, Librarians, Nurses & More...
Garden Grove Unified School District's certificated job opportunities are posted on EDJOIN.ORG
Adult Education and CTE Positions
Please apply on Edjoin.org for posted positions.
Substitute Teacher Opportunities
Salary for substitute teachers is $200.00 day-to-day and $250.00 after the 10th day in the same classroom. The Garden Grove Unified School District offers a tiered salary after 20 days worked of $210 per day, 50 days worked of $220.00 per day, after 100 days worked, $230.00 per day and after 150 days worked, $240.00 per day. Please see Edjoin.org when we are accepting applications for this position.
Requirements for applying:
A Multiple Subject Credential, Single Subject Credential, or Education Specialist Credential is preferred. We will also accept applications from candidates without a teaching credential but they must have a 30-Day Sub Permit, a Bachelor’s Degree, and Fingerprint Clearance from the OCDE. CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE IS PREFERRED AND TECHNOLOGY SKILLS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Application Procedure:
Please fill out the application on Edjoin.org and attach the following documents to your completed application:
- Resume
- Copy of Teaching Credential or 30 Day Substitute Teacher Permit
- Copy of your Bachelor’s degree transcripts showing date Bachelor's Degree earned
- Copy of Fingerprint Clearance from the OCDE Clearing House. No other fingerprint clearance will be accepted. If you do not have the Fingerprint Clearance Receipt from OCDE, please visit the OCDE website to make an appointment: ocde.us/credentials.
We will contact successful applicants to schedule a virtual interview via zoom. Those candidates who are offered employment will need to fill out the Sub Packet and submit the following documents: Valid TB screening test results, original Driver’s License and original Social Security card.
Garden Grove Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying in educational programs, activities, or employment on the basis of actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, mental or physical disability, medical condition, genetic information, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, parental, pregnancy, family or marital status, immigration and citizenship status, military status or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
Current GGUSD Internal Postings
Please see attached posting, which closes on Friday, March 14, 2025 at 5:00 PM.
Please include the following in your email to me at kgowan@ggusd.us:
- Name
- Home Address
- Phone Number
- Current school location and grade level/subject
- Position you are applying for
Titles of Postings
Email applications to: kgowan@ggusd.us
These positions are only for current GGUSD full-time permanent and probationary teachers. Outside applicants may not apply. Please include the following on your email to me at scuevas@ggusd.us:
- Name
- Home address
- Phone number
- Current school location and grade level/subject
- Position(s) you are applying for on your application
Your email must include the following attachments:
- Letter of application providing evidence of training and experience in each of the outlined areas of leadership.
- List of immediate supervisors during the past three years.
Titles of Postings
- 7-12 TOSA: Strategy-Effective Instruction Coach
- Intervention MTSS/504 Plan Support TOSA
- TK-6 Teacher On Special Assignment (TOSA)
- Community Schools TOSA, Office of K-12 Ed. Services
- Community Schools & Newcomer TOSA, Office of K-12 Ed. Services
- Newcomer TOSA, Office of K-12 Ed. Services
- TK-6 TOSA Dual Immersion - Spanish
Contact Information
Susy Cuevas
(714) 663-6388
10331 Stanford Ave. Garden Grove, CA 92840