GGUSD Parent and Guardian Resources
This website is devoted to supporting you as parents to best help your student succeed academically, emotionally and have lifelong success. We encourage you to explore the various opportunities we offer to meet the learning needs of your child. Our students are served best when we join forces with our parent community. As such, we welcome open communication with you about your child’s education. The strength of a child’s future is predicated on the combined efforts of students, parents, and educators working together. We look forward to joining you in providing an environment in which our students can learn and grow.
Parent and Community Outreach
The Parent and Community Outreach Department supports GGUSD schools by equipping parents with resources and tools to help them get engaged in their child’s education. Staff conducts regular parent training programs like the Ten Education Commandments for Parents or the 40 Developmental Assets in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Korean. The Parent and Community Outreach team also hosts regular districtwide events like College and Career Fairs and facilitates parent committees like the Parent Task Force and the District English Learner Advisory Committee, to name a few. The Department provides information for parents through a Vietnamese Radio Show (Radio Bolsa 1480 AM at 7:00 p.m. on alternate Wednesdays). Many of the resources on the Parents webpage are made possible thanks to the Parent and Community Outreach Department
- 2023 Online Summer Resources for Students and Parents
- Attendance
- California School Dashboard
- California State Standards
- CAASPP Online Practice and Training Tests Portal
- CAASPP Online Practice Tests Scoring Guides
- New Student Enrollment
- Graduation Requirements
- Meal Prepayment & Meal Application
- Nutrition and Menus
- Parent Guide to Understanding The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments
- Parent Student Handbook
- Safe and Welcoming Schools Resources
- Scholarships
- School Accountability Report Cards
- Student & Campus Safety Resources
- English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELAPC) Practice Tests
- Understanding the CAASPP Student Score Reports
- District Sponsored Apps