Welcome to the GGUSD Insurance Department website. The information presented here is designed to inform, educate, and serve the needs of GGUSD health plan members.

Since we believe that direct communication is usually best, we encourage you to first contact the numbers on your ID cards for assistance.     

Your GGUSD Benefits Specialists are always happy to provide assistance; please bring any concerns to our attention. 


GGUSD Insurance Department


Introducing Virta available to employees enrolled in a GGUSD medical plan.     

We’re proud to announce a new benefit for diabetes reversal. Virta’s personalized nutrition program is designed to meet your lifestyle and needs, so you can transform your health. The complete cost of the program is covered by your medical plan.  The benefit is available to GGUSD employees and eligible dependents 18 years or older who are enrolled in a GGUSD EPO, PPO or HMO health plan. This benefit is currently being offered to those with type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, prediabetes, or a BMI of 25 or greater. Your participation in the program is voluntary.

With Virta, you can lower blood sugar, reverse diabetes and lose weight. Type 2 Diabetes reversal on Virta is defined by reaching an A1C below 6.5% without the use of diabetes medications beyond metformin. Diabetes and related issues can return if lifestyle changes are not maintained. Please know that there are some medical conditions that would exclude members from participating in the Virta program.

Start the application process now to find out if you qualify by clicking Learn more today.

Information will also be mailed to you via US mail.

Your benefit includes:

  • Digital weight scale and blood meter that syncs with your phone
  • One-on-one health coach to guide and support you
  • Medical provider to safely reduce unwanted medications

A Virta representative will be at the GGUSD Health and Wellness Fair. 


   Thursday, March 27, 2025, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
   District Office Employee Parking Lot

Free Health Screenings - Interactive Activities - Free Food - Raffles - Breakout Sessions*...
     *Watch for Breakout Session signup notices on school bulletins and ParentSquare; space will be limited. 
