Staff Directory

Please be mindful that email is not a secure method to transmit sensitive information (SSN, etc.).  

Since we believe that direct communication is usually best, we encourage you to first contact the numbers on your ID cards for assistance. 

Your GGUSD Benefits Specialists are always happy to provide assistance; please bring any concerns to our attention. 

Benefits Specialists:

     Kimberly I. Bessey
     Internal extension: 77252 

     Araceli Caldera   
     Internal extension: 77251 

     Sylvia McMillen 
     Internal extension: 77253 


     Jesus Vazquez
     Internal extension: 77266 

Insurance Department Phone: 714-663-6523
Insurance Department Fax: 714-663-6500
(Forms: hard copies with original signature required; please DO NOT submit by fax or email.)

GGUSD Insurance Department
10331 Stanford Avenue
Garden Grove, CA 92840

Office Hours: Weekdays 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., 12 mos.