Irvine Intermediate School Student Named Top Speller in GGUSD's Annual Spelling Bee
- Friday, January 19, 2018

Irvine Intermediate School eighth grader Genevie Nguyen earned the title of champion of the district’s 31st Annual Spelling Bee for seventh and eighth grade students. The event was held January 17 at the Edgar District Meeting Center, and included the top four spellers from each of the district’s ten intermediate schools.
Genevie correctly spelled the deciding word, ocelot, becoming the top speller among more than 7,500 intermediate school students in GGUSD. English Language Arts teachers Sharelene Tartaglini and Barrilyn Kaa served as coaches for the four spelling bee contestants from Irvine Intermediate School.
“In today’s technology-driven world, spelling can often be a lost skill among young people; that is why it’s so inspiring to see how seriously GGUSD students take spelling,” said Teri Rocco, Board of Education trustee. “Every year, I am impressed with our students’ superb spelling skills and their ability to think quickly under pressure.”
Genevie competed for first place with Lucy Do from Alamitos Intermediate School, who finished second. Both were followed by Angeline Nguyen of Irvine Intermediate School, third place; and Ethen Nguyen of Ralston Intermediate School, fourth place. Other honored participants included Desiree Lee of Ralston Intermediate School, fifth place; Amy Trinh of Jordan Intermediate School, sixth place; Khanh-linh Tonnu of Lake Intermediate School, seventh place; Carissa Do of Bell Intermediate School, eighth place; Omar Arciga of Fitz Intermediate School, ninth place; and Gerald Ayers of Bell Intermediate School, tenth place.
School Board members Teri Rocco and Walter Muneton presented trophies to the top ten spellers, and all contest entrants received certificates of participation. During the Bee, contestants were asked to spell such words as aul, panglossian, reservoir, and cabochon.
The district champion and the nine runners-up will represent the district at the Orange County Spelling Competition, with the written segment scheduled February 26, followed by the deciding oral spelling round on March 3; both will be held at the Orange County Department of Education.
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