GGUSD Names Elementary School Spelling Bee Champ
- Thursday, February 22, 2018

The 31st Annual Garden Grove Unified School District Spelling Bee for elementary school students was won by Patton Elementary sixth-grader Brandon Tran on February 21. This is Tran’s second spelling bee championship as he was also the top speller in last year’s bee.
Tran correctly spelled the deciding word, exhilarating, to become the top speller among the 43 elementary schools in GGUSD. Cynthia Tran from Heritage Elementary School and Charlotte Palisoc of Peters 4-6 Elementary School tied for second place.
“GGUSD’s longstanding spelling bee helps students develop strong study habits and literacy skills,” said Teri Rocco, Board of Education trustee. “Each year, I am impressed with our students’ exceptional spelling skills.”
The trophy was awarded by GGUSD Board Member Teri Rocco, Superintendent Gabriela Mafi, and Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education Sara Wescott.
Each of the district’s 43 elementary schools entered their top speller from the school-wide spelling bees hosted in January.
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