GGUSD and 37 Schools Named to CA Honor Roll
- Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The prestigious recognition is issued by Educational Results Partnership (ERP) and the Campaign for Business Education Excellence (CBEE), a national coalition of business and education leaders. This is the tenth year that ERP has published the Honor Roll which recognizes top schools and districts that outperformed their peers in closing achievement gaps, particularly among higher-poverty communities. This year, 1,823 schools made the list, approximately 21% of schools in the state.
Honor Roll districts and schools are comprehensively higher performing on state test scores in English and Math for all student populations served and demonstrate improving outcomes for historically underserved student populations.
The 37 GGUSD schools named to the 2024 California Honor Roll include Allen, Anthony, Barker Cook, Crosby, Enders, Evans, Excelsior, Faylane, Garden Park, Gilbert, Hazard, Hill, Marshall, Monroe, Morningside, Murdy, Paine, Patton, Parkview, Peters, Post, Rosita, Stanford, Stanley, Sunnyside, and Zeyen elementary schools, Alamitos, Bell, Irvine, Jordan, Lake, McGarvin, and Walton intermediate schools, and Garden Grove, La Quinta and Pacifica high schools.
“We are proud that our students continue to reach new academic heights,” said Board of Education President Teri Rocco. “Our teachers and staff do an exceptional job creating classrooms where students can thrive and reach their full potential.”
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