Curriculum and Instruction

Technology Links


(714) 663-6006

AVID SharePoint Website:

English/Language Arts

Fine Arts

Supervisor: Stacy Harris Ext. #6348
Program facilitator: Matt Franklin, Ext. #6348

7-12 Curriculum and Instruction / Mathematics

Other Important Information:

MathTextbook and Technology Information

7th Grade
Go Math Middle School Grade 7
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
ISBN# 9780544202610

8th Grade
Go Math Middle School Grade 8
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
ISBN# 9780544206984

Algebra 1
Glencoe Algebra 1
Publisher: Glencoe
ISBN# 9780076639236

Algebra 2
Glencoe Algebra
Publisher: Glencoe
ISBN# 9780076639908

Glencoe Geometry
Publisher: Glencoe
ISBN# 9780078952715

Algebra 2/Trig
Algebra and Trigonometry: Real Mathematics, Real People, Larson, 7th Edition
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN# 9781305071735

Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry
Algebra and Trigonometry, 3rd Edition
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN# 9781118129302

Trigonometry, 3rd Edition
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN# 978-0470648025

Precalculus with Limits, Larson, 3rd Edition
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN# 9781133947202

Calculus AP Edition
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN# 978-0133475715

Probability and Statistics
Stats in Your World 2e
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN# 9780321979513

AP Statistics
The Practice of Statistics
Publisher: W.H. Freeman & Company
ISBN# 9781464108730

(714) 663-6006

7 - 12 Physical Education

Related Websites

The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) website.

Physical Education Framework

Program Overview – Intermediate School

The physical education courses in middle school are designed to develop a physically educated person who has mastered the necessary movements to participate confidently in many different forms of physical activities, values physical fitness and who understands that both are closely related to health and well-being.

The grade 7 student is enrolled in a year course. Students meet challenges and make decisions both individually and in-groups. Individual sports are introduced.

The grade 8 student is also enrolled in a year course. Students work as team members to solve problems. The emphasis is on team sports and offensive and defensive strategies.

Program Overview - High School

Physical education is required of all students in grades 9 and 10. A minimum of 20 credits must be successfully completed, but a maximum of 40 credits may be applied toward the 220 credits required for high school graduation.

The physical education courses in high school continue to develop a physically educated person who participates confidently in a variety of physical activities, values physical fitness and who understands that both are intimately related to their health and well-being.

The grade 9 student will develop a personalized fitness program for a healthy life-style with a major emphasis on fitness concepts, team sports, aquatics and tumbling.

The grade 10, 11 or 12 student may select activities for the pursuit of individual excellence, to analyze skills for effective movement and to maintain a personalized fitness program that relates to total wellness.

Credit Recovery/Summer Session

Science EL Support

Intermediate School Science - Textbooks and Technology

Listed below are the Intermediate school science courses and the corresponding adopted textbooks with accompanying technology, if provided, and websites where students, parents and teachers may find additional information and resources.

Course: Life Science
Text: Holt, Life Science

Internet Resource for Students, Parents, and Teachers:
The website,, is a website owned and maintained by the National Science Teachers Association that contains a collection of prscreened sites with up-tp-date information directly related to the text.

Student and teacher website -

You will have to obtain an account by registering.

Course: Physical Science
Text: Holt, Physical Science

Internet Resource for Students, Parents, and Teachers:

The website,, is a website owned and maintained by the National Science Teachers Association that contains a collection of prscreened sites with up-tp-date information directly related to the text.

Student and teacher website -

You will have to obtain an account by registering.

High School Science - Textbooks and Technology

The GGUSD Board of Education, in the spring of 2008, adopted textbooks for the high school science program. Listed below are the high school science courses and the corresponding adopted textbooks with accompanying technology, if provided, and websites where students, parents and teachers may find additional information and resources.

Course: Biology
Text: McDougal-Littell, Biology
ISBN: 9780618596584

Student and teacher website -

You will have to obtain an account by registering.

Additional Internet Resources-
Use the Scilinks codes given in the section reviews of the book to obtain access to this resource.
Biology activation code: 2346947-20, this code will enable you to activate the online textbook.
The following link provides detailed instructions on how to register, student registration and various other technical support questions that users may have.

Course: Advanced Placement Biology
Text: Biology by Campbell, Reece, Mitchell
Publisher: Prentice Hall, 1999

Internet Resources for Students, Parents and Teachers:
Accompanying each student textbook is an Interactive Study Partner CD-ROM that has over 100 exercises, labs, simulations and practice test questions. The website,, provides links to information relating to each chapter and provides an opportunity for further study and research.

  1. You will have to obtain an account by registering.
  2. Upon verification of educator status, access information will be emailed to you within 3 business days.
  3. Once you receive your access information, visit and search the catalog by author or titles to go to your book.
  4. Once on your book's product page, click the "Resources" tab to its available instructor resources. Resources that have downloadable files will have a "View downloadable files" link. When you click to download a file, you will be prompted to log in.

Course: Anatomy and Physiology
Text: Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology
Publisher: Glencoe, 2000

Internet Resources for Students, Parents and Teachers:
The Essential Study Partner CD-ROM and the E-Source CD-ROM accompany each student textbook. These CDs combine print, media, study and web-based materials that provide an opportunity for further study and research.

The following is the student website address:

Course: Physical Science (with a focus on earth)
Text: Holt, Earth Science

Student and teacher website -

You will have to obtain an account by registering.

Additional Internet Resources-
Use the Scilinks codes given in the section reviews of the book to obtain access to this resource.

Course: Chemistry
Text: McDougal-Littell, World of Chemistry

Internet Resources for Students, Parents and Teachers:
The website,, is a Web site owned and maintained by the National Science Teachers Association that contains a collection of prescreened sites with up-to-date information directly related to the text. The numerous in-text links provide current content and activities that relate to the specific topics being studied in the textbook thereby providing an opportunity for further study and research.

The website,, allows students, parents and teachers to visit the Smithsonian Institution for interactive exhibits, classroom

Student and teacher website -

You will have to obtain an account by registering.

World of Chemistry activation code: 2346949-60, this code will enable you to activate the online textbook.

The following link provides detailed instructions on how to register, student registration and various other technical support questions that users may have.

Course: Advanced Placement Chemistry Text: Zumdahl, Chemistry

The following is the student website address:

The following is the instructor website address:

You can click on the "padlocked" teacher resources on the upper left to get access to teacher resources. The following username and password is for instructor and student use.

username: significant
password: figures

Course: Physics Text: Holt, Physics

Internet Resources for Students, Parents and Teachers:
The website,, is a Web site owned and m

Student and teacher website -

You will have to obtain an account by registering.

Additional Internet Resources-
Use the Scilinks codes given in the section reviews of the book to obtain access to this resource.

Course: Advanced Placement Physics B
Text: Servay, College Physics

  1. Enter the ISBN of the student text. The ISBN number for the student book is: ISBN 0495386936
  2. Click on Instructor portion.
  3. Click on one of the instructor's materials on the upper left. It will ask for login info in a yellow box.
  4. Below there, it should have a place to click to obtain an account.

It typically takes 2-3 days to approve the instructor password.

Course: Advanced Placement Physics C
Text: Halliday, Physics

The following websites will be useful to you in regard to setting up your class: (This is the WileyPLUS 1st day of class website) (This is a website for tutorials and training provided by other instructors using WileyPLUS)

If you have any questions or concerns about the registration process, please contact:

Caroline Shahbazian
Senior Accounts Manager & WileyPLUS Specialist
Peoples Education Exclusive High School Distributors for John Wiley & Sons and W.W. Norton
800-822-1080, ext. 216

Course: Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Text: Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet by Botkin and Keller
Publisher: People’s Publishing Group (John Wiley and Sons), 2000

Internet Resources for Students, Parents and Teachers:
The website,, provides links to information relating to each chapter thus allowing for further study and research.

The following websites will be useful to you in regard to setting up your class: (This is the WileyPLUS 1st day of class website) (This is a website for tutorials and training provided by other instructors using WileyPLUS)

If you have any questions or concerns about the registration process, please contact:

Caroline Shahbazian
Senior Accounts Manager & WileyPLUS Specialist
Peoples Education Exclusive High School Distributors for John Wiley & Sons and W.W. Norton
800-822-1080, ext. 216

Special Education Information, California Department of Education





Special Education Links

World Language Standards 2009

Suggested Course Pacing

  • Spanish I: Teach 4 unidades or units, one per quarter. Each unidad (unit) has three etapas (lessons or steps)
  • Spanish II: Teach 4 unidades or units, one per quarter. Each unidad (unit) has thre etapas (lessons or steps)
  • French I: Teach ten lessons in the year. Five lessons in the first semester and five in the second.
  • French II: Teach ten lessons in the year. Five lessons in the first semester and five in the second.

Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources

The Garden Grove Unified School District offers French, German, Latin, Vietnamese and Spanish. French and Spanish are offered at the seven comprehensive high schools. German is offered at Pacifica and Santiago. Latin is offered at Garden Grove. Vietnamese is offered at LaQuinta and Bolsa Grande. All of the foreign language classes are college prep electives. Foreign language classes develop the students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students also develop cultural understanding and appreciation of the corresponding countries.

The current California World Language standards
were adopted in Jan 2009. They delineate standards in the five areas of content, communication,cultures, structures and settings through four stages of language of language development. For further information on the stages, please see the California Framework.

The standards indicate that a language learner will complete all four stages at the end of 13 years of instruction in the California public school system. They also provide for a variety of entry points, including Heritage Language Speakers.

The stages typically require more than one year to complete because students acquire language at different rates. Therefore students may move from one stage to another at varying intervals. Factors that affect language acquisition include readiness of the student, presentation of the material, and difficulty of the language for English speakers.

The following textbooks are approved by the Garden Grove Unified School District’s Board of Education:

  • French Levels 1-3
    (Holt, Rinehart & Winston)
  • French Level 4/Ap
    Trésors du temps
  • French Three Years
    Advanced Placement French
    (Prentice Hall)
  • German Levels 1-3
    Komm mit!
    (Holt, Rinehart & Winston)
  • German 4/AP
    Kaleioskop: Kultur, Literatur und Grammatik
    (Houghton Mifflin)
  • Latin Levels 1-4
    (Prentice Hall)
  • Spanish Levels 1-3
    ¡En Español!
  • Spanish 4/AP
    Abriendo Paso Lectura
    Manual de Gramática
    (Heinle & Heinle)
  • Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1
    El Espanol Para Nosotros 1
    Don Quijote
  • Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2
    El Espanol Para Nosotros 1
    (Glencoe )
    Las Aventuras de Héctor
    (Heinle & Heinle)
    (Simon and Schuster)